WEDA Coronavirus Economic Development Webinar Info

  • Zoom is our Webinar Provider. They have experienced explosive growth due to the increased numbers of work-from-home users and although we have registered tickets through their support portal we have not yet heard back from them. I am sure they are doing their best to handle the influx of new users, but you may experience…
    • Challenges registering (Possibly due to outages with Google’s reCAPTCHA system)
    • Disconnects during the Webinar
    • Challenges entering the Webinar

At this time we can only recommend you try again until you successfully register or connect during the Webinar. We are doing our level best to manually register as many of you as possible who email us (see below); however we, collectively, have taken over ten (10) hours processing manual registrations and which takes us away from our very deserving clients. While they have been very supportive, the SizeUp team still needs to do our “regular” work to continue supporting our existing clients as the need for our online business services has also dramatically increased to support local businesses.

Our intent, if possible, is to provide a recording of the Webinar. Presently cloud recording, by Zoom, is unstable and local recordings have been interrupted by connectivity issues.

We will provide whatever video we can as soon as we can. You can return to this page or any of the Webinar pages for updates. We will post the information as soon as we can.

The Captcha in your registration process is implemented by our webinar provider, Zoom, via Google’s reCAPTCHA service. Google has confirmed there are intermittent issues with their ReCAPTCHA. If you are experiencing issues registering, please email with your name, email, title, and organization and we will process your registration for you.

We presently can have up to 500 attendees at each Webinar, if there is sufficient interest and time, we will try to host additional webinars. If you, your organization, your regional/state/multi-state EDO are interested, please email me and I will do my best to find a mutually agreeable time.

We at SizeUp (and I’m sure Google, Zoom, et al.) are inspired by the interest you have shown in learning more about how you can support your local communities during the coronavirus pandemic, which is why we wanted to share this information with you as soon as we could, despite any technical challenges. We appreciate your patience as we all work together through these unprecedented times.

Sincerely, Mario Ubalde, Director of Customer Success